
What Space Sounds Like


[lang_en]What Space Sounds Like[/lang_en][lang_ja]宇宙の音[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]I've come across a recording of radiowaves from Jupiter, which actually sounds like the ambient background to Kubrick's Space Oddysey 2001.  Its uber-creepy.[/lang_en][lang_ja]インターネットで「木星の音」を見つけた。不思議にもキューブリック監督の2001年宇宙の旅に出てくるバックグランドの音に似てる。なんだか気味が悪い。[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]See? creepy as fuck. Its pretty damn amazing Kubrick was able to capture this creepy atmosphere of unknown space in his film back in the day... I wonder why humans instinctively feel creeped out by this sound? It's not like our ancestors has experienced it before...or have they?

I never want to go to space, why the hell would I have to go there anyway?[/lang_en]

[lang_ja]ほらね?気味悪いだろ〜 これをキューブリックが60年代に映画に使っていたてのは、すごいよね。なんか宇宙の未知の気持ち悪さがよく出てる。人間はこの音(実際は音じゃなくて波だけど)を聞いて、直感的に気味悪くなるのはなぜなんだろうね。先祖の経験とかがある訳でもなさそうだけど…



The Recession and the Creator

[lang_en]man about to commit suicide, from Getting Any?[/lang_en] [lang_ja]自殺しようとしてるオッサンに暗殺を依頼[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]The Recession and the Creator[/lang_en] [lang_ja]不景気ケーキ[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]This is a scene from "Beat" Takeshi’s ultimate B-class gag flick “Getting Any?”

The protagonist gets mistaken for a Yakuza, and is forced to assassin the enemy boss.  He finds a salaryman about to commit suicide, and asks him to deliver a cake with a hidden bomb for the enemy boss.  Not knowing the cake has a bomb, the salaryman pretends to deliver the cake and brings it back to his house.  In his house awaits his poor family, who gets excited and starts dancing around the cake.  And then the bomb goes off.[/lang_en]



[lang_all][lang_en]man about to commit suicide, from Getting Any?[/lang_en] [lang_ja]自殺しようとしてるオッサンに暗殺を依頼[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]Cake for the family[/lang_en] [lang_ja]ケーキを家族に[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]Cake Explodes[/lang_en] [lang_ja]ケーキが爆発[/lang_ja]



Between the Recession and the Creatives

The up-and-coming controversial creators are the hardest hit amongst the creative industry during  the recession.  While more established artists also experience difficulty during hard times, it is probably not as bad as the live-or-die survival of the up-and-coming.  Even in the architecture world, there aren’t that many jobs even for graduates.  Various offices are laying off people to keep in business. The most common are the foreign staffs who are unsure about their visas.  They are the first to go since their future reliability is unsure.

Naturally, many undergrad students resort to staying in school by continuing onto grad programs.  I think its a crap reason.  Graduate schools costs money anyways, and interests stack up from loans. And I think it’s too wishy-washy to think that this recession would be over in one or two years, although Obama will assume presidency in January. After two years, its only interest and loan that has stacked up.

Damien Hurst held his auction in September bypassing his agent and enjoyed record sales.  But in mere three months later, he is unable to sell his work for even half the estimated cost showing the effects of the recession hitting the creative class inevitably.  Thinking on a bigger scale, recessions are inevitable due to the fluctuating ups and downs of the economic cycle.  Even if evaded this round, recession is a sure thing to strike again sometime in the future. If that’s the case, isn’t the only way to try and tame the recession?

Opportunities during the Recession

During recessions, companies distill their employees and projects down to the bare essential.  Excessive fat is shed off; in which case, the products designed, the buildings built, are also distilled down to the core necessities.  Although harsh and dangerous, isn’t this some kind of a good opportunity? Even if one fails, today’s economy enables people to survive doing non-design, menial labor.  Surviving this kind of a extreme situation can result in hefty gains later.

You can’t run from recession. If you think you can get a free cake by staying out of it somehow, it might end up exploding in your face.[/lang_en][lang_ja]






