
Uniqlo-style Payment


[lang_en]Uniqlo-style Payment[/lang_en][lang_ja]ユニクロ式お年玉[/lang_ja]


I like the branding of instant noodles by Japan Air Lines.  Its named as a pun, "Udon de Sky", which sounds like “is it a udon?” in japanese.  My master taught me that you can get them for free if you tell them you are hungry any time during the flight.

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]

俺、あの日本航空のインスタントうどんの名前が結構好きなんだよね。「うどんですかい」Udon de Skyって駄洒落として結構成り立ってる。最初は師匠にそんな物があるって教わったんだけど。


JAL Noodles[lang_en] Definitely the next logical step is a instant bowl called “what is it?”(in Japanese, would be "nandesky?") it might be udon, it might be tangerines, it might be something completely useless like a action figure.  You can even put stickers inside that says “ you won!” but in fact the item you get is that sticker itself and you have in fact worn nothing.

Speaking of winning, I went to UNIQLO, and they had this thing called the new year lottery, and you can win 10,000 yen (roughly $100)on-the-spot after the purchase.  Its one of those system where you get a ticket for every certain amount of purchase and you peel the sticker off to reveal if you’ve won or not.  Although everyone knows nobody is going to win anything, it still pisses me off when I get the “sorry! try again!” ticket three times.  Even when I got great things for pretty good prices, I felt ripped off somehow after the lottery thing.  Maybe I should include use the same system to pay employees, in which they get their paychecks and tickets to potentially "win money on the spot." Of course, none of the tickets are winning stubs, so they get paid nonetheless, but end up feeling like shit.


[lang_ja] だから、もちろん作りたいのは「なんですかい」だよね。カレーのナンじゃなくて、中には何が入ってるか解らないミステリーインスタント。うどんかもしれないし、みかんかもしれない。また全然関係ないウルトラマンフィギュアとかだったりして。そんなんだったらうれしいよね。「当たり!」って書いた札が入ってたりするけど、その札がオマケな訳で別に何も当たった訳じゃない。

そういえばこの前ユニクロ行ったらさ、正月キャンペーンでお年玉が当たる!なんて書いてあるんだけど、よくあるその場でシールをはがすと当たりとかハズレとか書いてある奴。あれさ、当たんないって解っててやっても当たんないと腹立つよね。ちょっとはどこかで夢見ちゃってる訳だからさ。残念!ってのが三つぐらいそろうと、なんか後味が良くない。俺もユニクロ式お年玉を人にあげようかな。年の数だけくじをあげるん だけど、全部ハズレ。

