

New Site Face

[lang_en]Changes[/lang_en] [lang_ja]チェンジ![/lang_ja]

[lang_en]kentique.com is now harder, better, faster, stronger as promised. The interface is now revamped to accommodate a truly bilingual environment, while the simplicity of the original is sustained.[/lang_en] [lang_ja]kentique.com の改築終了!前回のシンプルなレイアウトをそのままに、完璧に二カ国語環境に対応出来るようにした。[/lang_ja]


Completely Re-tooled Structure

Now, I know things don't look all that different from the previous design. However, there was many basic inconveniences which crippled the blog, mainly the discontinuous bilingual environment. The site framework was re-tooled from the ground up, continuing what people liked previously and fixing what was clunky.[/lang_en]





Paperspace Interface

This blog was built with a somewhat unconventional concept; an interface as if it was printed on paper. Usually, web pages are loaded with information involving a lot of different colors, images and blocks of information. This site was relatively simple and straightforward enough that differentiation overload is really not necessary. This distills the reading experience down to the content of the information. I hope it provides a much better reading experience. (These hierarchies of tones and colors also accommodate color blindness as well)[/lang_en]



このサイトは、普通のサイトとちょっと違うコンセプトでデザインしてみたんだ。普通のウエブサイトって、情報を明確にしようとするためにいろんな色、イ メージやブロックで情報のしきりをしてる。結局、解りやすいどころかごちゃごちゃしちゃって汚くなっちゃってるところもあると思うんだ。こののサイトは そんな複雑じゃないから、そんなことをする必要がないんじゃないかって考えて作ってみた。こうやってプレゼンテーションを単純化すれば、情報を読み込むのがもっと楽になるかなと思って。(このトーンと色の違いは色盲でも把握出来る)[/lang_ja]


(By the way: This minimalistic design was inspired by the book After the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan by Thomas Daniell, a great, casual and informative book concerning the contemporary Japanese architecture scene.  If anybody is interested in Japanese Architecture, I highly reccomend it.)

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(このレイアウトや字体は、トーマス=ダニエル著のAfter the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan からの印象が強かった。近頃の日本の建築界の事を解りやすく、的確に書いてある。軽く読めるので、日本の建築に興味のある人はおすすめだよ。)


